Colors of Life - 2009
It has been a while i didn't post anything on my blog. Being busy for a while finish up my final presentation, pending weekly reports, as well as my very final report. Alhamdulillah, now it comes to the end of my Internship program also known as my 'honeymoon' time. Sobbing. I hope it is not too late to wish you all Happy New Year 2009. May Allah will bless us now and forever. Amin.

Btw, there are lots of things happened recently either it is expected or not. some of it brighten my days, gave joyness but some of it is very painful to be imagined. This is what we called life i guess. A journey that full of colors and melody. like a stage. You can be the actor or either the director of the play. Also like a slice of pizza, u need to taste every bites of it.

2009 shall be a great journey since it is my Final Year Semester. Alhamdulillah, I make it eventhough it's hard to believe i am away from my interest. This year could be the thoughest year ever in my life. Graduating during economy crisis could be a challenge for me too. But who knows. Just treasure every moment of the journey that shall be a part of of this life.

New Year means my wishlist expending. Yes, Manusia tidak pernah puas. I agreed with that. Eventhought there are my wishes already fulfill during this internship, but it increasing parallel to the desire. Ha ha ha ha. Btw, again, lets pray for the best for this new year 2009. Wachhaaaa!!
4 Responses
  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. finally,i got to see sakilah posts on her blog again!

  3. Unknown Says:

    happy new year sakilah!

    and welcome back to utp :)

  4. Sakilah Says:

    alamak..x sempat nak bace comment dh delete..hu3

    3ncik jurassicr3w: hu3..thank for reading!! =)

    kak alin: hepi2 new year kak alin!! welcome back to blogging!! ha3 c u at UTP k!!