Panas yg Hensem!!
i went to Ramunia for yard visit last three days. it was 7 hours journey but fully occupied with ceramah agama..which means, good rite? hu3. the bus driver keep playing the Ust.Akhil Hye's forum or sumthing like ceramah along the journey. honestly, it was fun. it made me laughed through out the journey until we arrived at Bandar Penawar.he3..what a surprise, i never thought that the bus station is located in a neighbourhood..hu3..but Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely. but then, we've been told that the ticket going back to KL was sold out. okey, that moment i just thinking that, yes, boley ponteng kerja for the next day~ ha3..but then, my fren solved the problem.and bla bla bla..forget about it. lets talk about the visit. he3. for a very first time, i really want to be an engineer. yes i am..and guys, do pray for me okey.. Enjoy the pic!! hu3 =)


at top of it

on top of jacket

the group

the ramunia
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8 Responses
  1. easternC Says:

    hehehe sme gamba posing jer... kamon, at least blakon la wat keje kat rig tu ~ whee ~

  2. Sakilah Says:

    panas r..lg pon name pon visit rite?
    ha3..giler jujur!!

  3. pra Says:

    haha..bgus aa kalo cmtuh.aku da kije nih.xrase pon nak kije.wakaka..sumenyer busan.duniawi semata2...

  4. Sakilah Says: momentum ni hanye sementara..harap berkekalan la!!ha3..makin hari meter kemalasan makin tinggi!! =P

  5. Farhan Iqbal Says:

    nk jd engineer?
    tul ke?
    kena maki tiap2 hari tau...
    hati ko kuat ke?


  6. Sakilah Says:

    pengalaman mengajar erti kesabaran..
    ha3..nak idop..ape2 pon xpe~ ha3

  7. bulan puasa pon. sabar je la kan?


    its good to hear u haf goals now. so, do what it takes to achieve it. im proud of you

  8. Sakilah Says:

    owh, thank you shahir!! finally, i had something in my mind..ha3..too ambitious isnt it? poyo pon ade.. ha3..