Of Psychic Mak Cik
"Chineese girl, okey. Indian girl, okey. But Malay girl?? very trouble. Hey, dont be hypocrite.....tudung...sex...They are a bad girl..."

Gosh!!! It was yesterday, when I'm out with Lisa and Imah. This mak cik is very irritating, confuse, and a good word to describe her is PSYCHIC i guess. She's a Malay woman, free hair, her age is around 40 plus, quite chubby and not pretty at all. Inside and outside. It started when she's talking about a Malay girl without tudung that luv sex and bla bla bla that i can't catch up clearly. She became very emotional, stressed on 'MALAY girl is a BAD girl' several times and it made us uncomfortable. What a shame. Do respect us as well. Did she realize that we ARE the only Malay girls there? Did she just want to point on us because we are about to buy an ash-tray as a gift for our supervisor? Gosh!!! even the guy at the shop gave the 'look' on her..The point is, do we need to judge people by only on their appearance? Come on. Don't judge a book by its cover. Doesn't meant you are wearing tudung but smoking make u a bad girl. Why did she only stressed on Malay girl wif tudung? .. It's not fair. may be sometimes you are not at the right place and on the right time...oH Mak Cik, I dont bother at all if u saying this to the right people out there. But you humiliated the Malay girl, your own blood in front of other races...ishk2..pelik tapi benar.. Even the Chinese at the shop saying good things to us. may be to make us comfortable and calm i guess... Mak Cik..Mak Cik..hope to see you again. lots of questions i want to ask...
Genre: edit post
7 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    huhu typical malay. suka judge orang. haish. i really don't like that kind of people. haih, memalukan bangsa sendiri je. huhu.

  2. Sakilah Says:

    thats soooo true kak alin..
    she's so weird, bukan nk judge die but she is!!

  3. pra Says:

    stended ler manusia...bia je la dia dan komen2 dia.hanya kita yg mengethui diri kita sendri..chill~

  4. anzec Says:

    xpe sakilah,ko sengeh je lebar2 kat makcik tu.heee.. ;P

  5. Sakilah Says:

    hafiz: itu sgt btul!! hu3, and sgt membantu!! thanks hafiz

    hidupku: ha ha ha, dh puas ak sengeh, die xmo pandang!! senget btul~

  6. one question? other than being good at something you do, how can a person get attention of the others? make controversy!!

    yes, so she's probably desperate for attention. kesian~

  7. kblletrina Says:

    maybe dia frustrated dgn anak bangsa dia sendiri, dah elok2 pakai tudung ayu je tapi buat perangai. Cabaran ni bila dengar. Memang kena buat iktibar. Kite takleh nak salahkan makcik tu aje, sbb memang kita sendiri pun tau ape yg dia ckp tu ada yg betulnye.. hehe.. bukan nak back up makcik tu ek.. tu bukan makcik aku.!!