Being tagged: Episode 2
i was being tagged by Yorke!!
*it's okey york, since I've nothing to do rite it goes~

RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
- hurt defenitely and unforgiven ..but how could you betryed on sad..ha3!!!~

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
- i wish i have a time machine~

3. If you are the opposite gender, what would you do?
- I'll be a gentleman person, respect to the ladies, and masculine enough..ha3 ~

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
- Buy a mini cooper..its cool~ he3

5. Will you fall in love with your friend?-
- I think so..~

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
- We need both, being loved and loving someone..that's how the beauty of love~

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- as long as he loves me~

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
-that's the risk we have to face..hu3.. name pon secret admirer rite?~

9. Have u ever been labeled as a snatcher?
- am I? i dont think so..hu3 ~

10. What takes you down the fastest?
- when people cheated on me... there's a saying said that telling the truth might hurt me but
telling lies will kill me~

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
- I still the old me..the same person with my own personality..i hope to become a successful engineer, a good wife and a great mother..Ameen~

12. What do you really want at the moment of responding to this tag?
- have a McD sundea ice cream..nyummy~

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- im not good in judging people, but what i know about him is, he likes Gothics, humble, and he can be a good friend..eceh..he3~

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
- i like to say that i just want to be an ordinary person..average..
not too rich but not that poor, the important is, i am happy~ he3..

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
- its weekend..back to sleep..ha3..recently i'll go to check my Cherry first..her food always not enough...gemok mkn byk..ha3~

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
- no way..still have lots to be considered~

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- the best man will win rite? hu3..try to avoid it..its not fair!!~

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
- Sedangkan Nabi ampunkan ummat, apatah aku org biasa jer ni.he3...i'll forgive him/her but its hard to forget..and i dont think i'll forget about it~

19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
-single is simple, couple make trouble..ha3.. depends laa..~

finally, i'm done!

now i would like to tag:

1) Aizat
2) Ain
3) Khairil

hu3..cant refuse okey!!!
Genre: edit post
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    aku kene tagged or u have some other friend name aizat?


    slmt hari raye sakilahhhhhhhhhhhhh :)

    makanan free belum ku tuntuts


  2. Sakilah Says:

    ha3..u la kne tag aizat~

    slmt Hari Raya juge Aizattttttt~

    mknn free? bleh2..dtg la umah nnti rye k!!

    ha ha ha ha~ =P