its cold, sleepy and alone..
It's just another rainy Sunday afternoon
its friday actually people rushed out catch up the works load..but
I'm wasting my time
browsing, scrolling, searching for nothing..
I got nothing to do
too lazy to finish up all the works..
I'm hanging around
looking for food downstairs, looking for handsome if there has any..
I'm waiting for you
to buzz, to call, to MSG ...
But nothing ever happens and I wonder
ur phone was out of battery, or maybe out of credit..
I wonder how
to waste my time...
I wonder why
this internship make me more and more lazy..but why
Yesterday you told me 'bout the blue blue sky
when i look at my window..its dark outside..raining i guess
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree
I'm turning my head up and down
its good for my sleepy head...
I'm turning turning turning turning turning around
until i got headache
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree
I'm sitting here
dreaming all day long
I miss the power
of sleep that can kill all...
I'd like to go out taking a shower
but i just take it this morning...
But there's a heavy cloud inside my head
confused to make a decision..
I feel so tired
of waiting for nothing...
Put myself into bed
just imagine about it..since i still at my office..
Well, nothing ever happens and I wonder
when the clock will show the time at five..
Desir pasir di padang tandus
Segersang pemikiran hati
Terkisah ku di antara cinta yang rumit
Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekadar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan
Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
Ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
Cintaku padamu
Bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
Seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
Namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta
Ketika ku bersujud
Bila keyakinanku datang
Kasih bukan sekedar cinta
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung
Ku pertaruhkan
repeat reff
Ketika ku bersujud
*Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog,some random,some weird*
weird?..hurmm..(weird kah?)
Let see who am i,
1. Sakilah Si Smelly Shell
This nick name given by this veto--> farhana, laily, nab + syaque + ilani. yes, they're my buddies and always be. Sakilah ni asyek tersengeh mcm kerang busuk la..hu3. Reason nyer bcz they said that i always smiling even tgh duduk sorg2 and buat kerja. Btul ke? mcm org gila pon mungkin?, ak rse actually ak x senyum pn or sengeh dh expression muke ak cmni kot..ho3. atau mungkin satu ketika dlu ak kne panggil ngn warden sbb x senyum kt senior or wat xtau jer kt senior2 skolah tu..lepas tu ble jumpe org jer ak prektis senyum..mungkin jugak tu..hu3.. papepon, senyum itu sedekah rite? =P
2. Jangan Lupe Lirik
If you give me a song, any song except lagu Negaraku, i can't sing the full song..sorry, mmg ak seorang yg susah nk ingt lirik. Even dh dgr hundred times pon, still sukar utk ak menghafal lirik2 itu semua. mungkin akn bercampur2 lagu tu nnti..he3. tapi i like to read the lyrics.. mcm mane ak taw lagu tu best? sbb lyrics die la..he3. Maybe after this I'll try to remember those lyrics yg best~
3. I can be a good friend but a bad enemy
Do i? i like making friends.. but when i lost them, it really hurts me.. =(
4. I LOVE arts?
A'ah. I used to be in arts class. Semangat x? My parents hntar pergi kelas melukis ketika ak kecil.Drawing competition? never missed. hu3. kalau diberi an abstract punyer lukisan, my interpretations will be differents compare to my siblings. and ak bru taw, my dad seorang pelukis suatu masa dlu.. like father like ker? he3. pernah juge berlakon di pentas teater. english mahupon melayu. dulu ak tidak tahu erti stage fright.ha3..redah sajer bile di panggil.. minat teater ini mmbawa aku ke Istana Budaya menyaksikan teater2 di sana..Malim Kundang, Merdeka, dan beberapa lagi pementasan di situ..juga pementasan di balai budaya..semua pon aku redah sajer..ha3.. and i also like musics.. used to be in a band time skul dlu, koir mmbers juge, juge still go on with musics..gamelan tu boley di ambil kira kn? he3..
5. Makan pakai tangan kanan
hu3. Its normal la kn? tapi ak xtau nape ak rase ak pelik. Sbb tiap kali ak mkn nasi pakai tgn, yg pasti bekas2 nasi dan kuah itu pasti smpai ke tapak tgn. dan jari2 ak pasti kotor nya hingga ke atas. kata nye dek imah, ak x reti mkn pakai aku org Melayu yg dr kecil pon mak ak ajr mkn nasi pakai tgn kanan...hurm..aku masih mencuba untuk menjadi seperti org lain...
6. I dont like cats, but I love them so much
o0o0o, i dont like cats. u know how was it when there were cats around. meja di mapley bisa di terbalikkn oleh ak. bukan aku seorg saje tp imah juge begitu. lisa juge pon same. o0o0, macob juge. ramai pule rakan2 ku terjebak dgn sindrom ini. tp tidak suka bukan bermaksud tidak sayang. Aku sayang kucing2 ini semua. They are so damn cute ble derg wat cat walk. Lagi2 ble derg buat muka mcm Pussy-In-The-Boots dlm cerita Shrekk tu. Boley menangis kalau tgk lame2...he3
7. Nature lover
o0o0o0, i love nature. hijau itu indah. Biru itu tenang. Byk lagi outdoor activities yang aku sgt2 nk join and buat. Four wheel drive sudah..Ameen. it weird? hurmmm...
i went for DFE Raya Celebration yesterday again, at Flamingo by the Lake, Ampang. Our arrival was welcomed by the seeding engineers with their sweet smiles and cute face. Thank you. Eventhough we're stuck in the traffic jam about 30 minutes, but we managed to be there right on time. 8.30 am sharp. No surprise since i left my home about 7.00 o'clock in the morning. Walla.. And it supposed to be half an hour from my house. hurmm.. 'we' here refer to Naza(thanks for being so generous of driving us to the hotel), sarah, iman and Bella(thanks for providing us the transport).
This Aidilfitri was a blast. Im very grateful of being a part of this event. It gather the seniors and juniors. It mingled the bosses and the employees. It was a chance to get to know people around us. The most important is, it was a free eating on Wednesday. hu3..Kidding. =) Raya itu sebulan. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Forgive me body and soul. Peace no war. =P
yes, the objective achieved and i got to know few new staffs and also to meet my seniors back to UTP then. The tournament was fun and enjoyable.
yes, last three days i went for a training that one of the course was required me to do the CPR. It looks like a simple thing but when i tried it by myself, its harder than i assumed before. Hu3..
first: who want to give a damn kiss to a model?
second: how to push the chest properly?
third: why the chest was static even i blow the air into his mouth?
the basic is very simple, blow the air 2 times, push the chest 30 times, repeat the steps for 5 cycles and do it in two minutes. in the mean while, call the ambulance. simple right? but do it by yourself will make you tired and fade up.
now i really appreciate the doctor out there. They did a really tough job of saving other lives.. peace no war~ =P
Di suatu mlm yang indah, ditemani gerimis halus membasahi Swift 5887, tanpa paluan kompang dan rebana, empat sekawan meluncur laju menuju ke teratak ilmu nun jauh di tronoh, Perak. Walau pelbagai rintangan dan dugaan yang dialami di siang hari (mcm xleh cuti ngn bos, keje belambak, jalan jam etc), empat sekawan tetap tersenyum manis girang ketawa sambil menanam tekad di hati masing-masing untuk meneruskan pelayaran yang sudah hampir lima purnama ditinggalkan dengan cemerlang dan jayanya. Doa dipohon agar pelayaran dapat diteruskan tanpa gangguan dari anasir luar yang menyimpan dendam dan iri hati.
Sauh ditarik, kemudi diputar dan layar dinaikkan. Sang nakhoda mula mengarahkan para kerawitan meneruskan pelayaran. Bahtera mula membelah lautan meredah ombak samudera menuju ke Pulau Jawa yang memetakan Yogyakarta dalam peta dunia. Setiap ahli kerawitan mula menjalankan tanggungjawab memainkan alunan muzik yang bisa membuatkan hati-hati para penduduk sekitar terpegun dan terkesima. Tekad di hati masih satu, melahirkan yang terbaik untuk tatapan warga teratak ilmu yang disayangi juga negara yang tercinta.
Samudera yang luas mula diselami untuk mencari harta-harta karun dan khazanah berharga yang tersembunyi jauh di dasarnya. Borobodur juga dilawati agar tidak menyesali di kemudian hari. Kraton yang mungkin tidak pernah diketahui kewujudan nya juga disinggahi. Syukur, teman-teman dari dunia berbeda sungguh bermurah hati membuka pintu Malioboro buat kerawitan ini yang sungguh menagih kan harta-harta di sana. Kerawitan mengorak langkah pantas dan bertenaga mencari pelbagai sumber berkenaan Yogyakarta untuk dijadikan kenang-kenangan mungkin pahatan di hari mendatang. (Credit to Syazwan, Zul, Aisyah, Rupa, Re'an, Ain, Marzuki, Kecik, Amru, Faris and etc). Teman-teman semua sudah terpahat di dalam hati empat sekawan khususnya.
Para kerawitan yang diamanahkan tetap sedia dengan pengetuk di tangan, mengalunkan lagu, membunyikan irama, membetuk satu rasa yang bisa meninggalkan kesan hingga ke lubuk sanubari. Rasa gementar dilempar jauh, rasa penat dilontar ketepi.
Namun, bahtera ini harus meneruskan pelayaran pulang membawa harta-harta juga ilmu-ilmu yang bisa diturunkan kepada kerawitan seterusnya. Setelah berhempas pulas tenaga mengharungi lautan ini, akhirnya apa yang dihajati terlaksana. Sauh dilabuhkan, dan layar diturunkan. Para kerawitan harus meneruskan urusan-urusan yang sudah ditinggalkan selama lima siang yang mungkin tidak dapat digantikan dengan apa jua ingatan. Cuma, coretan potret dari kotak-kotak lensa bisa menyimpan memori ini untuk di kongsi bersama teman-teman yang lain. Sesungguhnya, Cintaku Tertinggal Di Yogyakarta.
p/s: do check this website for detail
At first, my family planned to celebrate this Raya in KL. So, not much preparation we had here. But then, everyone of us were complaining about this raya and eager to go back to our hometown -Dungun. its last minute decision. So, the North-South Highway got additional 2 more cars and increased their income for toll fees. He3. We arrived there the night before Raya. Because there was no baju raya for this time, i had to borrow my mom's jubah for 1st day of raya. ha3. it was my 1st time wearing the jubah. and the funny thing was the kids were scarred of us because the way we dressed up..
mcm taliban kn?
hu3..but Raya is not over yet eventhough we came back to KL.
A week after that, i had a convoy Raya that really made me crazy. i managed to go to 6 houses in a day. There were 32 of us convoy by 8 cars from Ampang to Bangi..This Raya was a blast!! It was a chance for us to meet each other after 4 months having our internship program which was scattered us miles away...
i still remember, when i was kid, my mom always brought me to mosque for solat tarawikh. it was a wonderful memories because there're lots of things I've done without my mom's consent. hu3..Ampun. in my bag, I'll bring Maggie-eat after tarawikh 8 rakaat, fireworks- yeah, it is a routine to play the bunga api and mercun with my friends, plastics- this one is for bomb, have you ever play 'war game'? we put some water into the plastics, tight it, and throw it to the enemy!! yeah!!!, candles- sometimes, we like to go to graveyard, behind the mosque..he3~, and the list will keep changing depends on my plan. and sometimes, I'll bring my homework to the mosque while waiting for my mom.
kad raya - lots.. we able to hang it on the wall
baju raya- average..about 4-5 of baju kurung + jeans and shirts
kuih raya - i just eat it..don't know how to make it
duit raya - wahhhhhhh!!! lots~
this is how the Ramadhan when i was 5-10 years old. the memories remains in my mind.
Tarawikh- I went to the surau nearby because the mosque is quit far from our house, in my bag there is only more unnecessary things..hu3
fireworks- still there, but need to be aware of corps
kad raya- not even one!!!! people love to use sms and emails for greetings
baju raya- only 1 i guess, dont have time to shop
kuih raya- now, i made it by myself.. try it, taste it..he3
duit raya- hurmmm, i dont know if i can have it this year..hopefully!! hu3..
Eventhough the time passed by, the era keep changing, people are grown up, but the tradition is always remains.. the only changes is the way we celebrate it~ =)
*it's okey york, since I've nothing to do rite it goes~
- as long as he loves me~
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
- I still the old me..the same person with my own personality..i hope to become a successful engineer, a good wife and a great mother..Ameen~
12. What do you really want at the moment of responding to this tag?
not too rich but not that poor, the important is, i am happy~ he3..
- the best man will win rite? hu3..try to avoid it..its not fair!!~
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
hu3..cant refuse okey!!!

latest itinerary niee:
kawan2 dr KL - kte gathered kat Alamanda putrajaya, as soon as korg available.
so kte buke simple2 je dulu (korek idung bak kate jijo

meanwhile kte leh la buang tebiat seperti karok(theme nasyid-atau-lagu-raya hukhuk!)/bowling/shopping etc etc.

as soon as kawan2 dr UTP smpai alamanda,(0r wherever korg nak kumpul-jumpe kat bangi terus pon boleyh)..kte ramai2 g dinner di restoran seafood yang berjudul Village View. aku tak wat booking..huhu, harap2 ok jerr~
sebarang kemusykilan, angkat talipon, call aku.
klu kedekut taik idung masin credit seciput,


azdi,kema,prathom,dien,matyo -korg tade alasan dah aaa tanak dtg


jumpe esok yaaa!!!!

haa..that was the post looks like. and i was very convinced of joining them. in the meanwhile, Pra alrady offered to drive me there. tq again. it has been a while im not hanging out with KEMBARIANS. i guessed since last semester. and it such a pretty good chance for me to get to know our new members and committee of the club.
so here it goes. we went to Alamanda Putrajaya as planned. thank you to Pijol for being so nice bought us McD. sundea is my fav as always. then, we waited for UTPians to be there for almost 3 hours. OMG. im starving. and thank God, they reached there at 10.30 pm. and we went to Village View to have our dinner. There, everyone were very excited, chating to each other. me? as always, be observer. hu3. how happy they are i can see. and i felt it too. the juniors and seniors were mingle like there were no seniority or juniority. everyone respect each other like a family. this is what make this club so special. .
then we went to Putrajaya bridge. very beautiful. for the first time i went there to feel the beautiful of Putrajaya...what a wonderful memories. here is one of the feedback about the gathering:
Bukak Puasa Terbaik.....
Thanks to Arel.....
Thanks to Pejol, yang belanja alas perut sikit sementara menunggu kedatangan sume org.....
Thank to all kembarians yg turun dr UTP.....
best gile kot meja panjang gile.....
lepak kat jambatan, bajet macam kat campsite siap leh men kad....- Uruk
thanks to all for giving me this chance. im glad to have u all as my friends.
As usual, i went to LRT station since this is the best option for me to reach my workstation. It's not like yesterday, there are so many people at the station. So i need to queue for a quit long time. I take it as dugaan bulan puasa. I know Allah always test His slave. Suddenly, i heard something that really caught my attention. i tried to find where is the sound came from. Few seconds after that, the next train arrived. Luckily, i managed to get in the train. Alhamdulillah. And guess what? The sound that i heard before is came from a girl. She's wearing baju kurung with tudung. I can say that she's an ordinary person. Not really pretty but she's not ugly. Cute but not baby face. Average. She's reciting the Al-Quran. She stands just next to me. i taught she's going to end her recitation when she got in but she kept continue it even they're lots of people pushing to get in.
Insaf. Yes, she recited the Al-Quran all the way, page by page. It really put something on me. She reminds me on the cassettes that the surau in my neighborhood played it during Ramadhan and also during subuh. Listen to her recitation, made me calm. Soft and nice. I still remember what my Ustadz told me back to my high school. "If you can make people touched only by reciting the Al-Quran, u couldn't imagine how much the rewards that you will get". She also reminds me on my mistakes. Like a meditation for me. All things that I've done suddenly came out of my mind. On this opportunity, I would like to apologize to those who know me, to you who's reading right now, to KAMU, sorry for giving you the hard time all this while, and to everyone that i ever spoke to..
All apologies
What else could I say
Everyone is gay
What else could I write
I don't have the right
What else should I be
All apologies - NIRVANA
Previously, im not interested of reading the forward msg or email even from my friends. But i dont know how, i got this strong heart feeling about this email. and my heart proved it was right. This email almost made me cried and im really touched. as i mention before, when u read something and made u stop and think, u want to share it with people dat u care about..
Orang kata aku lahir dari perut ibu..
Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku.. ibu
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku...ibu
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku.. ibu
Kata ibu, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut.. Ma!
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari.. ibu
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang ..ibu
Bila nak bermanja.. aku dekati ibu
Bila nak bergesel… aku duduk sebelah ibu
Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya ibu
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku …ibu
Bila merajuk… yang memujukku cuma..ibu
Bila melakukan kesalahan… yang paling cepat marah..ibu
Bila takut… yang tenangkan aku.. ibu
Bila nak peluk… yang aku suka peluk..ibu
Aku selalu teringatkan ..Ibu
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon… Ibu
Bila seronok… orang pertama aku nak beritahu…Ibu
Bila bengang.. aku suka luah pada ..Ibu
Bila takut, aku selalu panggil.. "ibuuuuuuuuuuuuu! "
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah ..Ibu
Bila nak exam, orang paling sibuk juga Ibu
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu..Ibu
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau.. Ibu
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni.. Ibu
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku. . Ibu
Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku, Ibu
Yang selalu berleter kat aku.. Ibu
Yang selalu puji aku.. Ibu
Yang selalu nasihat aku.. Ibu
Bila nak kahwin..
Orang pertama aku tunjuk dan rujuk… Ibu
Aku ada pasangan hidup sendiri
Bila seronok… aku cari pasanganku
Bila sedih… aku cari Ibu
Bila berjaya… aku ceritakan pada pasanganku
Bila gagal… aku ceritakan pada Ibu
Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat pasanganku
Bila berduka, aku peluk erat Ibuku
Bila nak bercuti… aku bawa pasanganku
Bila sibuk… aku hantar anak ke rumah Ibu
Bila sambut valentine.. Aku hadiahi bunga pada pasanganku
Bila sambut hari ibu…
aku cuma dapat ucapkan Selamat Hari Ibu
Selalu ….. aku ingat pasanganku
Selalu… Ibu ingat kat aku
Bila..bila… aku akan talipon pasanganku
Entah bila.. …aku nak talipon Ibu
Selalu …aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk Ibuku
"Kalau kamu sudah habis belajar dan berkerja... bolehkah kamu kirim wang untuk Ibu? Ibu bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah". Berderai air mata aku. Hari ini kalau Ibu mahu lima ratus sebulan pun aku mampu. Aku boleh kirimkan. Tapi Ibu sudah tiada.Aku tidak berkesempatan lagi.. bukan lima puluh ringgit.. lima puluh sen pun tidak sempat aku kirimkan! Hanya yang termampu ku kirimkan adalah doa dan amalan baik di dunia yang fana ini...
Maybe after this i will read all the forward msg from u guys.. lots of things we should share rite!
p.s: sesungguh nye, syurga itu terletak di bawah telapak kaki ibu.. lots of LOVE from me to all ibu out there..
Perbedaan yang berarti
Tak mudah untuk kita lewati
Rintangan silih berganti
Kau masih berdiri
Kita masih di sini
Tunjukkan pada dunia
Arti sahabat
Kau teman sehati
Kita teman sejati
Hadapilah dunia
Genggam tanganku
Tak mudah untuk kita sadari
Saling mendengarkan hati
Tak mudah untuk kita pahami
Berbagi rasa di hati
Kau adalah...
Tempatku membagi kisahku
Kau sempurna...
Jadi bagian hidupku
Apapun kekuranganmu wooo
p.s: a song for sahabat
For those yg first time celebrate Ramdhan kt overseas tu.. Epul and Mizah, i wish both of you good luck okey..hu3..i bet u guys will be missed bazar at utp rite? and for me, this Ramadhan is not as same as previous years.. if last year pergi bazar dkt UTP, this year pegi bazar dkt gombak..ha3.. but if last year pegi bazar dgn kwn2, this year i went there with my sister, if last year balik umah bukak puase dgn mama and abah, this year balik umah after keje bukak pose dgn kakak jer.. :( why? because they went to Mecca for Umrah.. Alhamdulillah..
So, for the moment..its only me my brother and my sis at home. on the first day without parents kt rumah, we are so rajin for cooking. ayam masak kicap pon jd best. next day, tom yam, ikan masak 3 rasa...wahh..sume pon best..sbb bli kt kedai. kitorg just masak nasi!hu3. and come to the fifth mood to sahur at all because we were suffering of for this sahur, we just eat 1 set of sandwish with peanut butter and watermellon... sob sob sob..for berbuka..we just buy whatever we want to eat. only one meal and 2 types of kuih. thats it..
first time rse fully housewife. laundry, house cleaning, cooking, and buy the groceries? is a wonderful experience. but PUASE is not an excuse to excape wahatever we supposed to do. i would like to take this opportunity to thank all housewifes in the world for doing a great job..and i admire them all.. I LUV U ALL MAMAs!!!
There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, excep her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend.
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including hey boyfriend. her boyfriend asked her, "now that you can see the world, will you marry me?" The girl was shocked when she saw her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him.
Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying.
This is how humans change when their satus changes. Only few remember what life was before, and who has always been there in the most painful situations.
May we always remember where we came from....
One thing that can make Malaysian people to be proud and release is Lee Chong Wei, our badminton player. He's gonna be our 1st medalist tonight and everyone put so much hope on him to win the 1st gold medal during this Olympic 2008. His achievement at least can gives a hope of nation alive and make Malaysian at least to put a side the messy things and celebrate his achievement.
So Lee Chong Wei, good luck and all the best. may force be with you. This post might be quit differ to the previous one. it might be sound pretty serious and diplomatics for me. inilah suara hati.
p/s: thanks Wak-Lu A and B, for the cashed money..we spent it for pizza~ =P
Is it true certain date gives certain meaning in our life? people said that 08-08-08 is very 'ong' number. Feng-shui believes in this. and i believe there are many people out there take this opportunity to celebrate their weddings, farewell, honeymoon or maybe did something awful for memoir of their lives. i listen to the radio this morning otw to my office and, how lucky this girl because she's going to celebrate her 20th birthday today.. meaning, her birthday is on 08-08-88. what a beautiful number!! but for me, what i know today is the launch of Olympic in Beijing and thats all. nothing interesting happens today accept one thing.. macob is here! OMG, it's been a while we didn't meet each other and yes, this gathering is full of emotional, exciting and sadness. we talk and talk like we'll never meet again..and the short meeting really gives a relief for us to catch up and share our trainee's life. and not to forget, kenny and imah also were there...
the sad part, today is my last day to have Mrs. Sri Wangi as my supervisor. she's going to resign from PETRONAS and accept other offer which is more advantageous for her..and i do agree with her choice. being with her for this 2 months is a very enjoyable period. she taught me a lot and be such a good friend to me. .but i do accept, setiap pertemuan pasti ade PERPISAHAN.. no matter how much we like sumbody, love sumbody, one day we must let them go..inilah hidup. Kan?